113 / 9
17th Aug 2016
18th Aug 2016
I'm trying to work out how to draw black holes and gravitational lensing in TPT. Please leave feedback in the comments.
destroyable lensing compressiondisk particleart accretiondisk physics space interstellar blackhole


  • sentinal-5
    18th Aug 2016
    @JusticeFighter thank you so much, i don't think i'm brave, just interested to see if i can do it. You're very close in your description of gravitational lensing and i can see you know a lot about it, but the amasing thing is that there are an infinite number of "reflections" of every object with a line of sight to the gravity source. they just get exponentially closer together as they approach the event horizon to they point where they just look like a glowing circle called the photosphere
  • sentinal-5
    18th Aug 2016
    @J23PowderToy thank you! :D @Krystian260599 first off, that is one hell of a username lol, and oh i will. a good way to visualise the lensing effect itsself is by picturing the black hole as a mirror with a deep hole in the middle. you're looking straight at it and there is a picture of space reflected in the mirror that gets bent and stretched when it reflects in the edges of the hole.
  • masterdillon5
    18th Aug 2016
    hey sweetdrew seiously f off this is amazing if you dont like it fine but dont be ating someeething you dont know anything about
  • coryman
    18th Aug 2016
    @sweetdrew typos exist, and unfortunately in TPT, the only way to change the name is to reupload the save, at which point it loses all views, votes and comments. Plus people might think it's a stolen copy and report it.
  • ultrajenale
    18th Aug 2016
    I feel like someone is mad becuase their saves aren't as good as sentinal-5's ones so don't even care about someone like that guy
  • cikat2
    18th Aug 2016
    sweetdrew, stop hating on art. I bet you can't even draw a pony.
  • sweetdrew
    18th Aug 2016
    dumbest thing ever it doesnt even do anything so whats the point of it? and you spelled black wroong so go back to preschool/spelling school to know how to spell or just rename it if you do know how to spell it
  • JusticeFighter
    18th Aug 2016
    The second image is the line that goes "around" the black hole. Finally, do not add this to your image. That would be simply too much work and not really increase the awesomeness. You could however copy a darker, more squished version of the galaxy to the upper part, closer to the hole. And please add some foreground stars. Thank you for making this, sorry for the wall of text and the physicsbabble, have a TPtato: 0
  • JusticeFighter
    18th Aug 2016
    This means that space seems emptier closer to the hole, but then the secondary images fill it up again until they are blocked by the accretion disk or the event horizon. Its weird. Try drawing a hole, you and some stars on a piece of paper, then connecting them to you while also keeping away from the hole. Draw a straight line at your point of view, at the angle the beams arrive. That is how you see the stars.
  • JusticeFighter
    18th Aug 2016
    Thing is, the second image mostly ends up inside the event horizon and thus never reaches you. The exceptions are behind the black hole, close to the you-hole axis and not too close to the hole itself. At the same time, the star images get pulled AWAY from the black hole the closer they get to it.