151 / 5
15th Aug 2016
17th Apr 2019
So I guess it's finally that time when subframe has become known and is widely used. As FuriousWeasel would say, "I like it!". The purpose of this save is to clear up at least a few questions about subframe. *** Updated logos.
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  • cmk20
    15th Aug 2016
    @LBPHacker Lol the entire time I was writing that coment I was thinking, Man I wonder if Lbp is going to respond saying "No it's not that complicated"... :)
  • 12Me21
    15th Aug 2016
    To do a full reload (unless things have changed), you need to save, load ANOTHER save, then load the original again.
  • Schmolendevice
    15th Aug 2016
    @cmk20 Yeah, it only ate up 2 months of time that could have been spent using my previous smallest design to figure out a way to improve on FW's design and have it support carry ins. Compare id:1743359 in size to id:2003533.
  • QuanTech
    15th Aug 2016
    +LBPHacker yeah, FuriosWeasel's tiny adder confused me to hell!
  • LBPHacker
    15th Aug 2016
    @cmk20's Well, uuuhhhm, @Schmolendevice's already done that and he's quite fine, thank you, no dark magic or time bending used. But heh, he ninja'd me. The thing is, my designs are among the more easily decipherable ones. Take a look at anything @FuriousWeasel has. It took _the_ @SD longer to wrap his head around @FW's adder than my entire computer.
  • Schmolendevice
    15th Aug 2016
    @cmk20 Don't worry. With enough expertise in subframe mechanics, you can stare at one of his designs and decode it within an hour (which is fun to do), sometimes with the aid of him labelling the more ambigious parts. But you could add the computer architecture self-education aspect to those three years of "deciphering."
  • Sandwichlizard
    15th Aug 2016
    @schmolendevices. that would be awesome. honestly, I am super creative but have been a little stuck on subframe stuff.
  • cmk20
    15th Aug 2016
    Huh... neat +1 :D (I still dont get how your computer works... it would take a genious about 3 years to deciper that thing)
  • QuanTech
    15th Aug 2016
    +Schmolendevice oh, that sounds painful to do....
  • Schmolendevice
    15th Aug 2016
    True, but I intend on documenting virtually every aspect and known technology in subframe computing. All known ways of delivering power, regulating power, transferring ctypes, compounding logic operations and so on.