this is tiaphs save i just didnt want it to goto waste there wernt many views on it so i thought get it some more.
lol i dont realy know i just stumbled upon it i have fiqured out how to male it 8kb without making it bigger
This is quite impressive.
Really amazing, mainly because my feeble mind cannot really get up to how ARAY actually works.
this is very very cool!
array core but only the ones the switches are set to allow in will and it has two sides so it can do every code and the reason why it is 128*8 is because there are 128 ways in and each is 1 byte
it works by using array and the logic behind how array works the lines in the array there are 8 so that gives you a bits then the switch control the side part array streams to send to the
please, how does it work? so amazing!
- finally finshed writing your wifi channels. Can I PLZ use this?
get on #powder, i have questions for you
nvm @ prev comment about the n silicon