41 / 7
19th Jul 2016
20th Jul 2016
DEUT/NEUT engine, Neutron-Photon-Spark (NEUPHOTRONIC) Reactor.
engine reactor lizard sandwich neut space ver4 stardrive deut warptravel


  • Windspren
    20th Jul 2016
    You could also measure the average velocity of the exhaust, then divide it by the force of gravity on Earth (9.81 m/s^2) to get the Isp (specific impulse). Thrust would be determined through the specific impulse and the mass of the exhaust
  • Sandwichlizard
    20th Jul 2016
    I might just put them in front of a targetron with Breakable and meltable material. at a specified distance from the end of the thrust nozzle to the first target. Destruction/counts. I will use an in game counter so time is constant. that will be a whole new save.
  • Creepster019
    20th Jul 2016
    put virus on the stardrive and it explodes
  • LaylaSaturn
    20th Jul 2016
    Also to Mr TheArchitect, you are awesome. I hope you continue to litter the realms of TPT with spariodically posted exclaimations. Maybe, together, if we all unite, we can force the producers of the next Star Trek to make an actual Star Trek movie. Just maybe.
  • LaylaSaturn
    20th Jul 2016
    Wow, I'd actually love to see a line up of engines with specific impulses. Actually, you've inspired me Mr SandwichLizard. I shall attempt to follow in your steps and be fully sick. Also you're awesome. +1
  • Sandwichlizard
    20th Jul 2016
    the significant difference here is that the engines and the reactor work off of the same reaction. my other systems have indepenent thrust and power reactions. here I bleed off some of the thruster neutrons for the neuphotronic reactor to make PHOT/SPRK, also this one uses less "cheaty" materials (DMND)
  • Sandwichlizard
    20th Jul 2016
    Wow. just WOW. @Kevino36. not sure. I really did not consider it. I just dont like engines that are just show, like with photons or plasma with no force. I also like actually making spark in these rather than a battery. I am just going for something that "works" I will need to classify the ouput somehow.
  • RussiaMan
    20th Jul 2016
    cool work
  • tptquantum
    20th Jul 2016
    +1 and added tags.
  • Windspren
    20th Jul 2016
    Hmm, in-universe, how does this compare specific impulse/thrust wise to your fusion drives? +1