41 / 7
19th Jul 2016
20th Jul 2016
DEUT/NEUT engine, Neutron-Photon-Spark (NEUPHOTRONIC) Reactor.
engine reactor lizard sandwich neut space ver4 stardrive deut warptravel


  • LaylaSaturn
    23rd Jul 2016
    @SandwichLizard Okay, let me do a quick recheck of your engine based on these numbers: 1 Lz = (1px/frame)*(average pressure at nozzle, 100px and 200px) I'll define the nozzle as the point where the reaction 'ends', i.e. thinnest part of the nozzle (choke). This should prevent people throwing off their average with a pressure check inside the reaction chamber, where the pressure is highest.
  • LaylaSaturn
    23rd Jul 2016
    @JackX You got about 14 Lz of thrust. Although this was done by hand, I have to think of a way to calculate this faster and more accurately.
  • Vondaniel
    22nd Jul 2016
    @Sandwichlizard have you tried increasing fuel efficiency? when started there is a large amount of deut drifting. +1
  • Vondaniel
    22nd Jul 2016
    @JackX your engine not less compact than this one.
  • JackX
    22nd Jul 2016
    @TD23ASUS What would you rate my stardrive? (id:2018537)
  • JackX
    22nd Jul 2016
    oh yeah, i forgot about that rule
  • wirered
    22nd Jul 2016
    You're the hero TPT needs @Sandwich
  • Sandwichlizard
    21st Jul 2016
    I do not mind you posting a relavent id, so that is fine. I did the multiple cooling tubes in my first "total stardrive system". If you study the performance of your current system and this one you may figure out why I ditched that design. Also, just so you know, asking for votes "please like" is against the rules no matter where you put it. Please do not do that here.
  • JackX
    21st Jul 2016
    Star drive works, please like id:2018537
  • JackX
    21st Jul 2016
    No need to help anymore, i have done it