A small solar system model with a LIFE Sun. Includes the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, the Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. All handmade by me. Took a total time of 20 minutes to make. Distances and sizes not to scale.
@hampsterdance Planet Nine is a hypothetical gas giant planet with about ten times the mass of Earth. It would explain the eccentric orbits of many outer-solar-system objects.
what is planetnine?
UPDATE: Added Planet Nine and Sedna!
@Exploding basic quantum physics
Please add some insl to mercury or something...... cause after a bit mercury just burst into flames and into plasma...
we've discoverd a ninth planet
@powderskye what about every planet past mars and every other solar system?
@matthew012 lmaoooooo earth can't be a hologram because we walk on it, the moon can't be a hologram because we may have walked on it. @boomtish214 sol means sun in latin, so why not? and i'll do that yeah.
first... write sun... and do me a favour... can you PLEASE add ceares(the dwarf planet that IDIOTS ALWAYS CALL A FRIGGIN ASTEROID, BECAUSE ITS NOT!) Please and thank you :) im in an astronamy class at my high school. anywho... +1
FAKE! The solar system is a hologram made by aliens to hide that they are using power toy!