128 / 20
27th Jun 2016
5th Jul 2016
Particles' positions and colors were calculated with a Lua script I put together. View with decorations enabled (preferably also with viewing mode 8) and unpause to watch the gravity diffuse the galaxy into a cloud of particles orbiting a central mass.
spiral dontpress7 spore galaxy bigbang universe gravity nothingdisplay changegpmptemp


  • Skitz
    3rd Jul 2016
    I used something I found more simple. I wish I could give some more psuedo-code, but it is not very easy trying to type into a comment box. I gave polar offsets (offsetX and offsetY) and got the velocity magnitude with a real formula (orbitVelMag = sqrt((G * M)/orbitDist)) where the mass (M) was just something random.
  • msasterisk
    3rd Jul 2016
    The arctan will cause some problems with the different quadrants, so if there is something like arctan2, that's better.
  • msasterisk
    3rd Jul 2016
    For TPT, vx = -sin(arctan((vertical distance)/(horizontal distance)))*(Previous orbital velocity equation) and vy = cos(arctan(etcetera...
  • msasterisk
    3rd Jul 2016
    Orbital velocity equation: velocity = (orbital velocity at one unit away)/sqrt(distance)
  • diehard899
    3rd Jul 2016
    *3 display
  • diehard899
    3rd Jul 2016
    if you look at in 7 display it looks liek a wormhole
  • NotNeverButNOW
    3rd Jul 2016
    When you put a pressure bomb in the middle it will cause the galaxy it literally spin the swirly things (cant remember the name of them) around the black hole until it is sucked into the black hole.
  • NotNeverButNOW
    3rd Jul 2016
    I put a big bang bomb in the center, and it looked beast lol
  • Kittygamer9105
    3rd Jul 2016
    if you put deuterium around the galaxy the galaxy will expand since deuterium is highly reactive in neutrons
  • ChocolateMilkshake
    3rd Jul 2016
    @diehard899 well assuming that this galaxy is milky-way sized, and our own sun's galactic year is 250 million years, then we can say that this simulation lasts less than 250 million years, because many stars in the area where our own sun should be can't make a full orbit around the center before degrading into the cloud of stars. So life should be alright, but the sky would look pretty ugly in an elliptical galaxy...