So I was looking at the front page and saw all these alloy things and I thought "I can do that." I managed to make a few but this one stood out and I don't actually know how it does what it does now...
This is so beautiful, magnificient work if you ask me 1+
Bomb here, allow this, spam attack, more bombs and alloys...
Very defensive... TPT has now become an elementary school. Somone sets a "trend" then everyone follows.
@thatpowderguy, bruh its an Alloy, and that it something that changes the pattern for spark. They can be very had to make and I you didn't install this game yesterday maybe you would be smart enough to figure that out before you start hating on other peoples work. Get good.
what is this so what if you bored
i once saved my 'ba' pokemon pixel art save without even meaning to publish it (my computer was about to explode) and it got FP with a eevee and a half finished umbreon...
This game is dead...
For goodness sake GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who cares I was bored so I went outside and mate tis waz good
@Voyager15 Thanks, I just started yesterday at like 5:00 ish so it looks like I got lucky with this one because some of my other work is not getting any atention at all and I put more work into them.