159 / 20
17th Apr 2016
19th Apr 2016
While working on an animation i stumbled upon this effect. deco made with one of my scripts The Original.
mooo cows bovine cow temmie epicwork hashtagmeattime cowbrine herobrine praisemoobus


  • DoubleF
    18th Apr 2016
    Should i make a "homepage" in tpt?
  • DoubleF
    18th Apr 2016
    also "better than nothing" was a bad pun on the nothing save and i feel like friday evening is the best time to upload
  • Sandwichlizard
    18th Apr 2016
    front page is fickle. you never know who is online when. if you publish a laser when ther are no laser fans on then it wont get voted. if you publish flying cows and make people laugh... it is a shot in the dark, all you can do is good work and hope. I spent 3 minutes on the cow slicerupper. just funny, did not expect fp. its just what happens.
  • DoubleF
    18th Apr 2016
    many things have been done before and izs getting harder and harder to find new innovative stuff
  • lshh
    18th Apr 2016
    i guess.... btw that wasnt a hate thing. it was just frustration/confusion.
  • DoubleF
    18th Apr 2016
    still better than nothing
  • lshh
    18th Apr 2016
    seriously? this is so stupid and its on FP. there are perfectly fine saves worthy of FP out there! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE UP-VOTERS?????
  • Ph0en1x
    18th Apr 2016
    Turns out he LOVES broken vibranium.
  • Potato-man
    18th Apr 2016
    SYS_EXIT equ 1 SYS_READ equ 3 SYS_WRITE equ 4 STDIN equ 0 STDOUT equ 1 segment .data msg1 db "Enter a digit ", 0xA,0xD len1 equ $- msg1 msg2 db "Please enter a second digit", 0xA,0xD len2 equ $- msg2 msg3 db "The sum is: " len3 equ $- msg3 segment .bss num1 resb 2 num2 resb 2 res resb 1 section .text global main
  • dyaomaster
    18th Apr 2016
    More cow killing machines! id:1972641