Give me your state and your color and I will add you. Canada and Mexico will be AIs controlled by me. At times, they can be friendly, but at times, they can turn ugly. Have fun! Credit to Avi_ for the map.
have you played Hearts of Iron 4 before?
i'll be oklahoma, any random color please!
*Facepalms* Sorry, I forgot you had to use your phone now.
No it's not. I am really sorry that my computer broke down. Should be updating again soon though.
Well this is dead.
i reinforce my underground cities
I shoot it down with a nuclear ICBM.
also i research sattalites and start a space accengy (thats A-ss-e-cy) and launch my very first peice of poop to the inner amosphere!
pls 3DRUS i am trying to make this world a better place, you could keep all your land! I WONT TAKE NOTHING O DONT WANT NONE OF YOUR BULLSHIT AND JUST carry on with your days ;)
ill use the time to expand my underground cities