11th Mar 2016
12th May 2016
A badly ran EuropeWide from the Number 1 maker of maps on TPT. Opened 3/19/2016
It won't work for long, keivno.
WTF is ScienceBoy smoking?
It's not like they have to live right next to each other. The Catholics can stay in Spain if they want, while the Muslims can stay in Turkey.
Freedom of religion isn't really helping, turkey is super muslim, spain is super catholic, people aren't getting along very well.
He's giving me Syria.
ScienceBoy and I did peace stuff.
Yeah, but we got dat freedom of religion and stuff.
Oh, and as cody pointed out to me via PM, you're muslim and spain is catholic. RIP your morale.
@Kevino your culture and spain's aren't mixing super well
I send SB an ally request.