11th Mar 2016
12th May 2016
A badly ran EuropeWide from the Number 1 maker of maps on TPT. Opened 3/19/2016
Guys, calm down, this is a game, don't get personal about this.
By training them, you can train 100k / turn for eveyr military base you have.
@SB I think you're crazy for thinking that we would discuss rigging out NWs together. You should know that the way I rig my NWs is purely random.
SB, just accept my peace terms.
Avi, PM incoming.
How do I get more troops?
@SB m8, They have more troops and you have no oil.
Give me the land below Turkey and the topmost section of North Africa, and you can have peace.
Coincidentally, I also have plans of my own.
Not ATM. Let`s just see how my plans go...