23 / 2
25th Feb 2016
29th Aug 2016
Is it possible to create something even more complex than previous RiverWIDE? Ladies and gentelman, I present to you - "DESERTWIDE": more complex, better looking and more fun than riwerwide rpg! Join in comments. remember to read all linked pages ;)
nationwide nation rrppgg wide samskyisbig sbnationwide


  • m3mggl
    10th Mar 2016
    @log-a-log check shop fore more info, but basicly you can build walls around yourself which can only be destroyed by war machines ;)
  • Log-A-Log
    10th Mar 2016
    What does machinery do?
  • Gelix
    10th Mar 2016
    oops. I need a school. I buy everything I need for a school and then buy a school. I use all left of rest of points to buy assassins.
  • Gelix
    10th Mar 2016
    I spend all of my points on assassins and fight back....
  • m3mggl
    10th Mar 2016
    points were given ;) Gelix is attacked and left with only 1 oasis - what will he do?
  • Obliterator
    10th Mar 2016
    hukuru i send you an ally request
  • Hukuru
    9th Mar 2016
    I spend as many points I can on assassins, the rest on the school. And I send all the assassins that are able, norht to attack.
  • ScienceBoy
    9th Mar 2016
    I use ten points to expand. I then buid as many trees as I need for an assasin school and a machinery. I build both an assassin school and a machinery. I also accept Fatboy's reqeust for an alliance.
  • Obliterator
    9th Mar 2016
    you build trees?
  • Gelix
    9th Mar 2016
    I build 21 more trees. I then build an oasis!