12th Feb 2016
29th Feb 2016
WELCAME TO THE MOST COMPLEX RPG IN POWDER TOY! If you want to join - check "how to join the game" page. comment on THIS save if you want to join. Check SHOP page to work on your nation. HAVE FUN AND JOIN NOW! :D
Famu, i'm sorry but you got rekt
I send all 200 troops to attack the yellow guy next to me and take over his capital
@Deulnse they almost got there ;P
I will build 1 ship and 20 soldiers
*points lol
i build 20 more trooops and use the rest of my oints to go south
I want to produce 60 more troops and move the produced ones to where my current troops are, and then move my current troops as far as possible towards the light blue country
I'll build 40 soldiers more and 2 expansions to the west island
I use 8 points to build 2 ships and then I use 10 points to make 200 soliders the rest of my points are use to expand in all directions ( 4 points )
I purchase one-hundred pixels of land.