Thanks to Gatpotzi's template this was possible!
The fire is hidden with deco on
That gun shoots more fire than an M132.
only thign we can't 100% say will block is DEST and BOMB unless we use..gel
Find some metal thats not quartz thats super strong and we can talk. just promise you wont use nukes,ball bombs,prot bombs ect. If you use the shells we make then the armor is nice ;D But my next tank. M1A1 Abrams will be pretty strong In terms of armor. It will have ERA indeed @Thelastspartan
Are either of you guys going to make Modern stronger destroyable MBT's? and not made out of iron? And like working engines and a smoothbore gun. DU armor? Kontact-5 reactive armor?
After I finish my first MBT I'll figure out different types of turrets to go on a tank chassis and add interchangable barrels/machine guns
Maybe ;D @Autoxplode
wow!! good!
someone need to make a build your own tank save
just think of it as Centurion 2k16