Thanks to Gatpotzi's template this was possible!
im PageOne
Whats your steam? Mine is OberstLeutnaunt Sausage :3 Add me and I'll send you save ID
Yeah i do
OH hey Auto uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do you have steam? my abrams is nearly complete and I need a tester
Still wish they wouldnt shock tanks xD
@gatpotzi Its Kind of realistic to shock a tank could get electrecuted if there were enough energy and since the tank is made of 100 pure iron mostly it conducts pretty well and tnt right next to it the tank is basically a detonator
I hope the next update allows us to enable copy/nocopy or the useable curser elements ;-;
GMAB sparking is the basic test of EVERYTHING
I use Iron for main armor and titanium for secondary or innar plates owo people need to stop sparking out tanks
@gatpotzi what else do you expect us to make our tanks out of? Titanium?