37 / 5
22nd Jan 2016
23rd Jan 2016
Made using a WWLD XOR gate that I made myself. Got the idea from endriklos977's thing. This is more powerful and more easily hidden. But still probably would never work for copyright protection. Just a fun concept.
concept daeox logic logicgate daeacan copyright electronic electronics computer


  • tomatopipps
    24th Jan 2016
    wouldn't an A AND NOT B gate be more compact and more confusing due to asymettry though?
  • tylerthecreator
    24th Jan 2016
    oh yeah this concept is just a blast. I can hardly contain my self.
    24th Jan 2016
    Is it designed to protect something or just destroy it so it cant be copied?
  • 2393633
    24th Jan 2016
  • lshh
    24th Jan 2016
    guys. don't hate. read description. TPT is about design challenges and fun.
  • lshh
    24th Jan 2016
    my idea is to overcomplicate the sensor. my logic: copiers=noobs. noobs know nothing. overcomplicate the sensor, hide it in a machine. noob don't know what it does. keeps it there.
  • Daeox
    23rd Jan 2016
    @Korloz that's definetely a cool idea. @Dealien Exactly! Thank you for not saying "this is pointless it would never work". It's just something fun to work with and see what you can do. A brainteaser of sorts.
  • dealien
    23rd Jan 2016
    I think things like this present an interesting design challenge. People don't usually copy a large part of a design and leave only a small area out. Maybe hiding the sensor in a logo is the answer. The main problem is incorperating these into the fundamental part of a design in a way that makes it hard for people to get rid of them without sufficient knowledge and skill so that they wouldn't need to copy it. It's just a fun concept to think about.
  • Korloz
    23rd Jan 2016
    ID:1925930 Had to resave.
  • Korloz
    23rd Jan 2016
    I made one that works differently. ID:1925916 Someone might want to use this concept to make a better version (Mine wasn't made that well)