61 / 9
22nd Jan 2016
23rd Jan 2016
My Try on replicating the hypothesized ninth planet just discovered today.
ninthplanet solarsystem kuiper neptunesized gasplanet ninth planet star neptunelike antispamtag2


  • repolyo
    23rd Jan 2016
    Nibiru is real, it helped the formation of the asteroid belt, and the formation of our moon
  • Iconoclast
    23rd Jan 2016
    @repolyo, you better stop believing this conspiracy theories and stop wearing tin foil hats. Nibiru is not real, There is no such thing as Comet Wormwood, The sun is not a binary star yet i still believe there is probably an ultra low radio frequency brown dwarf on the edge of the solar system or probably the near star system has a really massive graviational pull it can pull some of our planets into its area of effect. No Nibiru, No Nemesis and stop believing all this hippie new age world sh:t
  • repolyo
    23rd Jan 2016
    Moonkey, it is true, it was proven, they did not to make it public because it may cause panic. But believe me, I know astronomy well, especially when it comes when Earth is treathened. P.S. I read about this article in a website and NASA kept on denying it, you know NASA
  • Iconoclast
    23rd Jan 2016
    @damian97 i am completely aware of that
  • Moonkey
    23rd Jan 2016
    repolyo, you don't simply mess up orbit calculations that badly predicting a flyby in 2015. Planet-X is nonexistant.
  • repolyo
    23rd Jan 2016
    This 9th planet is named as Nibiru or simply Planet-X. It supposed to make a flyby to Earth in Nov 2015, but it didnt happened maybe it will happen in Nov 2016. This will happen because the 9th planet's orbit is like a comet, that's why in the past years, we didnt know it existed because it was too far for us to see, until it will make a "comeback"
  • Icecreep109
    23rd Jan 2016
    I wish you'd made it out of something distructable...
  • zork543
    23rd Jan 2016
    why diamond.... why
  • Nean
    23rd Jan 2016
    Looks suspicously like Neptune, but good!
  • noobproducts
    22nd Jan 2016
    wowzers this is differt and your logo looks like its from geomatry dash and its name is so-close i have it and use those coulors!