61 / 9
22nd Jan 2016
23rd Jan 2016
My Try on replicating the hypothesized ninth planet just discovered today.
ninthplanet solarsystem kuiper neptunesized gasplanet ninth planet star neptunelike antispamtag2


  • thekerbalwow
    24th Jan 2016
    very good
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    23rd Jan 2016
    "When Earth is threatened"
  • QwertyDragon83
    23rd Jan 2016
    @msasterisk But hey, that's just a theory, A SCIENCE THEORY! Aaannnddd.. CUT!
  • explosivepowder
    23rd Jan 2016
    @msasterisk (google auto-fixer thing) Did you mean: Thats just a theory... A GAME THEORY! thanks for watching.
  • FlamingHorseman
    23rd Jan 2016
    msasterisk: I get it.
  • msasterisk
    23rd Jan 2016
    But that's just a theory... a science theory! (Anybody get that joke?)
  • msasterisk
    23rd Jan 2016
    A ninth planet so far out would have a negligible affect on planet-sized objects in Earth's neighborhood.
  • msasterisk
    23rd Jan 2016
    The moon was most likely formed when a large, apoproximately Mars-sized object hit Earth side on, ejecting large amounts of Earth's newly formed crust and mantle in a ring system around our planet. The debris merged to form out Moon. This is a possible explanation for the low iron content of the Moon, as well as the high iron content of Earth (the object's iron core merged with ours).
  • nosirrbro
    23rd Jan 2016
    'Discovered' Theorised, and a paper that supports it might exist has been published. Also, there would be no possible way of knowing anything about of what it would look like, especially due to the fact we dont know if it even is real
  • the_new_powder99999
    23rd Jan 2016
    @repolyo Thinking something is real because someone said that someone else had evidence that they are covering up is hardly a valid argument.