Really fastest. Added to favs. P. S. Add more templates and add template building machine.
it's the fastest 3D printer that i saw in my life!!!! +9580943759437680437894375984
Your cube 12*12*12 my cube 15*15*15 my cube have 2x more mini cubes. My thing prinnt 15*5 your print 12 this 6x more. Dont count frames to convert rectangle data to line data this not print time) I make faster in frames i can make faster in over fps save
yours is faster at 60 fps. I can get my save to run at 125 if I delete the extra templates on my pc yours 65. very innovative design however. I am now challenged to out do you. friendly competition of course. this is really great work. +1.
It was intentional, a spark to replicate a behavior I saw earlier. However, it failed.
@gbasilva "Nice" use of adjectives
The machine that makes the plate is also extremely interesting and intuitive. Such a great save could only come from such a great user.
Great to see the plate, great to see the building it prints. It is a really nice and compact plate, storing the blueprint of a really nice building, with a nice interior, collumns, windows, a great structure.
Great to see you here, samrrr. Great to see your printer.