If you like/dislike. Tell why in the comments. T-34 very stronk tovarishch. Makes stalin proud. It's armor is Iron infused with stalinium!
OOH! Make the Israeli Merkeva ("Chariot") tank-- it has a forward-mounted engine, leaving space in the back for an infantry squad-- IN A MAIN BATTLE TANK! ISRAEL IS THE BEST!
I like the cannon implementation with deco'd PROT. I think you could have it able to fire on command with DRAY or CRAY, or you could just use a system of CLNE/FRAY/BOMB, which is what I've been experimenting with because it is less diffifult. +12 btw
Your source is a video game!?
I'd really like to see a custom tank @Hanoj
I'm glad everyone likes this :3 Now I'm off to do a bit of researching.
@NolanSmalls Nope! Barrel is just right :D taking a look at warthunder T-34-85 ZiS53 vs D5T ZIS53 was longer
I'm back from sleeping. @Exion 1day for the exterior shell(Hull armor) 6hours trying to replicate the cannon breech. Lets not talk about the engine bay... 3 hours of testing munition racks and comparing it to the barrle. It took a lil while to get It all proportioned by It came out great. I like it x3 and I'm glad everyone else does too
If so, it's actually in TPT already. It's called "blue VIBR."
Is Stalinium an alloy of power, vodka, and the Russian spirit?
Oh BTW, does anyone have a tank they want me to make?