@Spzi I joined in 2012, I still recommend it, really, I mean, What have they done to ruin the experiance? From what i have seen, they have only improved on it.
without compremising the experiance.
I currently play roblox, I use firefox, adblock+, bluefire firewall (by firefox), super anti spyware/mcaffee/windows antimalware exe as virus detectors, I have experianced no problems, Try using adblock+ and firefox, This seems to completly remove most viruses on that game.
I used to play roblox... in 2010. Roblox used to be better. I can no longer recommend it.
Can i just say, if you still play roblox, and it is amazing but, i got over 120 different viruses (AVG found them :D) which started with roblox. I reccomend, if you play it regardless of this, that you have a good Anti Virus Software. If not, stop playing it!
Great work, they looks like in game :D
I used to play it alot and the trees look alot like that