TURN ON DECORATIONS! :) Tell me your name and country so u will be added to the game. Map is inaccurate a bit. US and RUSSIA are split to two parts EAST AND WEST. Also canda is split into 3 EAS WEST and NORTH. Rules 1. Must declear war to attack.
1 More player needed for starting
Added pirate/terrorist countries/regions all over the map. These countries will attack when the game is started without any warning and they can be attacked without declearing war.
3 More players and we start
Bosnian noscoper im sorry but you cant be bosnia.. :( you must be some bigger one.
Sure im adding. We need More major countries like China and Canada and one in africa then we can start probably
can i be bosnia
Should we start?
Allright adding.
I want my color to be brown
and my empire will be called the RattleSnake Empire