TURN ON DECORATIONS! :) Tell me your name and country so u will be added to the game. Map is inaccurate a bit. US and RUSSIA are split to two parts EAST AND WEST. Also canda is split into 3 EAS WEST and NORTH. Rules 1. Must declear war to attack.
I recruit 10K soldiers, build 100 Panzerkampfwagens 4's, set my defcon level to 3 and send troops to invade France
oh well i set defcom to 3 and conquer new zealand philipines and indonesia then set defcom to 5
I send all forces to attack ukraine
I set my defcon to 3 and declare war to ukraine
I rectuit 10k soldiers and buuld 500 PAK-FA planes. I build 150 T-14 armatas
There are 5 defcons Defcon 5 is peacce defcon 4 is prepearing for war defcon 3 is war. defcon 2 is total war and defcon 1 is nuclear war.
also question what is defcom 1
thx @Tahitikissa
BosnianNoscoper i added you as Yugoslavia as there was no bosnia avilable