TURN ON DECORATIONS! :) Tell me your name and country so u will be added to the game. Map is inaccurate a bit. US and RUSSIA are split to two parts EAST AND WEST. Also canda is split into 3 EAS WEST and NORTH. Rules 1. Must declear war to attack.
I invade UAE and make a colony there
I produce 65K soldiers and 100 Panzers 4, I invade Spain, the UK with 130K
I finish off ukraine, invade that country above belarus and invaed poland
I will make peace with pink only if there are no border changes.
Red decleares war to marocco
Pink Suggest peace with Hixel
Wasnt online for 3 days sorry and now updating.
Can you update??
I invade baltic countries too
I train 100k soldiers and i make 10k tanks and make 5k planes and send litterally all avabibable forces to crush ukraine once for all