12 / 2
9th Dec 2015
29th Sep 2018
The first galexy that im Overly extremely pleased of!


  • TheBeastHimself
    23rd Feb 2016
    The CIS start expanding towards Core 3, and take many worlds in the process.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    See galfa for more psychology info.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    The tacterians are able to detect them, And watch them closly to make sure they do not harm refugees. (there generousness means that they go to high extents to give longer life to other races)
  • TheBeastHimself
    21st Feb 2016
    The CIS sends commando droids to study the Eularians and other races in the city.
  • explosivepowder
    21st Feb 2016
    The eularian refugees arrive, and are escorted to a major city on the outscurts.
  • explosivepowder
    20th Feb 2016
    THey do this for every galaxy they colonize. As to avoid major threts. The quantum scanners are scanning every atom. They qucikly detect your presence, and identify the wepon. Than it communicates to the tacterians of the detected thret; there weaknesses; and there stregths. Global fusion shields are put up around every planet, powered by a miniature star at there core.
  • explosivepowder
    20th Feb 2016
    The tacterians, Having been intergalactic for quite a long time, use hyper-advanced technology to quantum scan the entire galaxy for any unknown ships.
  • TheBeastHimself
    20th Feb 2016
    The CIS use their technology to stay hidden from any sensors, and begin constructing droid factories on nearby planets and moons.
  • explosivepowder
    20th Feb 2016
    The tacterians are doing this because taflactuan - there old homesystems star - is about to go hypernova - Obveusly not great for a homeworld. These new systems are made near black holes so that incoming ships will have difficulty attacking from all angles because of its gravity well. This allows the tacterians to focus more of there cannons in one direction; a much better situation.
  • explosivepowder
    20th Feb 2016
    They even build defence moons made purely for defence - These are literally massive ships the size of moons that are basically entirely made from cannons and defence satelites.