12 / 2
9th Dec 2015
29th Sep 2018
The first galexy that im Overly extremely pleased of!


  • Windspren
    26th Feb 2016
    I share tech with the Tactarians that allows you to mass produce antimatter. It is derived from quantum manipulation technology, which is the same tech used in superposition drives, entanglement communicators, and particle unfolding/folding units. The antimatter producers reverse the quantum number of each particle in the matter chosen for conversion, transforming it into antimatter. QMT has a variety of other uses, and is the greatest technological breakthrough ever concieved.
  • explosivepowder
    26th Feb 2016
    Unfortunitly, the tacterian existance has already been terminated from this area.
  • Windspren
    26th Feb 2016
    I send 1/2 of the UW fleet to defend the tacterians, and a modified superposition drive changes all probabilities in our ships, making the neshorish's simulations useless.
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    The neshorish suddenly launch an attack, A huge swarm that literally EMP'd all the ships to being on there side. The same was done for any tacterian ships in the area
  • TheBeastHimself
    25th Feb 2016
    I'm guessing this galaxy is pretty recent, so there aren't many super advanced civilizations...
  • TheBeastHimself
    25th Feb 2016
    Many more Droid foundries are built, creating more and more battle droids. The CIS soon become one if not the most powerful faction in the galaxy (apart from the Tacterians, of course)
  • TheBeastHimself
    25th Feb 2016
    The CIS deploy their Purge Legion, an extremely elite army of droids specially manufactured for genocide. They manage to purge part of the galaxy and the CIS keep taking more worlds from them.
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    The main capitals defence satelite finally stops working after days of neshorish swarm combat. Soon after that, the fusion shield around the main capital itself collapses - A few minutes after that, it collapses.
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    The neshorish found throughout the entire galaxy suddenly expand, and VERY quickly - Impossible to stop, The tacterians realize that they are betraying them due to evidence simulated by the taristan brain. The race expands like a wildfire through a planet made entirely from trees.
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    The tacterians eventully detect when there are no importing ships - Just exporting ships - They than surround the galaxy with a massive swarm of tiny probes in an attempt to intimidate the intruders out. They do not take hostile action unless they have too.