I set out to make a bomb that was small, easy to use, realiable, and above all, awesome to watch explode (also uses unrealistic elements). I think this one hits the spot. Simply spark the center, must have newtonian gravity. FEEL FREE TO USE WHEREVER :)
Nice !!!
This is how you make a new bomb. Small, looks cool, efficient, no lag. Very nicely done +1
after it gets to the green bit, just wait!
@zapperain || What you see is a cheap, but effective, two stage ball of powered clone. Stage 1 after sparking: The Goo wears down. And stage 2: the clone breaks apart from the force of the lighning, thus producing various destructive elements as it's flying around, including the vibranium you see lingering after the initial explosion. I personally frown at the use of unrealistic elements used in bombs, but as you can clearly see, conradical didn't say that it was supposed to be realistic.
WTF how did you do that!!!!???
Wow! Really awesome design, I like how it uses the wood as almost a fuse as once it is destroyed from the tempature the lightining is able to be spawned and sets the whole thing off! Really awesome job in all.
Its a nice day then you see this in the sky then BOOM the planet is made out of lava
i saw this before fp!!!!