So, i've been trying to get the same effect with those deut capsules, I super cool a screen of deut, then I take some of that, put it in a insulation capsule and then super heat them, I get the same effect but not the glow or tempature to be quite like yours, as of mine is plasma hot, but you have normal temp.
the only thing i find useful with this? being jealous and blowing it up in jealosy.. (not that im jealous... no of course not...)..........
oh daaaaaam. someones a pro... (or got an account very late...) XD
@nosirrbro XD thats hilarious
@nosirrbro maybe they built on mars as well??? hopfully...
Oh. This was the LAST one? Oh... Woops. Maybe I shouldn't have tested my new SING bomb here...
This guys first four saves have all been on FP...dang. You deserve it though, this is good work!
I'm sorry, too. I made a dueterium (H2O2) proton thermonuclear bomb and vaporized everything.