25 / 6
20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
deacans group joinnow daeacan


  • Daeox
    13th May 2016
    No, I didn't see that, that sucks.
  • fatboy2
    12th May 2016
    Have you guys heard that M3mggl commented on the NW he was running and said that he hasn't been around lately because his computer broke and he doesn't have the money at the moment to fix it?
  • flubber5
    12th May 2016
    weird ancient save i had lying around: id:1984311
  • bigexplosion
    11th May 2016
    Is that save I linked any good to you guys/gals?
  • msasterisk
    11th May 2016
    Most of my saves are trash that I never got around to deleting... :P
  • bigexplosion
    6th May 2016
    Well, the save ID:1980360 is the mostly finished save of my ragnarok, that being a titan from "Planetary Annahilation Titan" and if you didn't get it before, what it does is drill a hole using a high powered laser all the way to the core of the planet, then retracts the drill by breaking it into four parts, and reassembles the bomb from it's four parts into one big bomb, then drops that down the mine shaft into the core, and detonates it, so basically, no more life on that planet anytime soon
  • fatboy2
    5th May 2016
    I usually check the by-date page about 3 times a day.
  • bigexplosion
    4th May 2016
    I think it's actually, nearly done, for now
  • bigexplosion
    4th May 2016
    Ok, so ID:1980324 is a VERY early edition of one of my new saves that I would hope get's love for being creative
  • bigexplosion
    4th May 2016
    So, how to make photons move in a specific way that you want them?