20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
I'm still here! *Only reason I went for a while is because my old PC SUCKS and it broke*
I'm still here! *Only reason I went for a while is because my old PC SUCKS and it broke*
Hi gbasilva and Daeox :D
Well that's fun
There is no one left.
Anyone still here let me know.
I'm back now woop
I started a new group, for those that are interested ID:2009917
All of these groups seem dead.
I may resign. Don't know, though.