25 / 6
20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
deacans group joinnow daeacan


  • Korteweg
    20th Sep 2016
    I am not back. I used to check this every week, and decided to comment here as the last comment was made on July 26. I wanted to see if anyone still accessed this. Anyway, I am not going to be back anytime soon. In fact, I was even considering to resign.
  • fatboy2
    18th Sep 2016
    Wow gbasilva, you're back! I remember playing with you on TPTMP a few days before you left.
  • Korteweg
    17th Sep 2016
    September already. This group was created almost an year ago.
  • Maxsta
    25th Jul 2016
    Sorry wrong id, real one is ID:2020280
  • Maxsta
    25th Jul 2016
    I know this group is pretty much dead but still, here's a mechanism I've worked on for like a hour. Tell me what you think. ID:2020251
  • Gelix
    25th Jul 2016
    I am still here... I don't know where deaox is though. I think this group has pretty much died... :(
  • Atari
    21st Jul 2016
    Is this group still active/open
  • Chesvin1
    15th Jul 2016
    I am still here too, only reason I look like away of TPT is because my saves take me a lot of time :(
  • ScienceBoy
    15th Jul 2016
    Wait! Why did that post THREE times?
  • ScienceBoy
    15th Jul 2016
    I'm still here! *Only reason I went for a while is because my old PC SUCKS and it broke*