20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
I decided to do the daily one because I don't want non-Coalition people on our channel. If jacob1 adds channel passwords at some point we will do that. But for now I want to stick with daily channels.
I am here to override tptmp channels for our own good. We'll now on use the channel "coalition" (you can suggest other names, but I have already set a motd there, and we are the only coalition in TPT). It is easier than having to search the channel of the day (and to generate these numbers). In fact, It is only my suggestion, based on my oppinion, and I have absolutely no right to override anything, so do it if you think it is a sounder idea.
So, this is the group of spaceship hippies :P
far out maaaaaaaaaaaan xD
I also noticed the peace sign lurking in the logo. As an aging hippie, I approve, of course ;)
yeah. I'm on tptmp on channel "dc1012" in a minute join if you want. Don't know how long
from far away the logos look like peace signs :P
That's priceless lol...oh man. Why would you copy this of all things, the link obviously leads to our group page.
A guy managed to copy this on ID:1904728. Jacob is probably going to delete this and get mad at me.
Typo: 37 pixels