can i please join you club?
Now deprived from the source of my hate, I can ask: a request? It may be the first art save of yours I won't downvote, as you're in the group, so my hate is gone. Also, a guest on TPTMP asked me to relay information to you, so I will send you a PM. I don't know what it is, he just vehemently insisted. I don't want to get involved, but is it anyhow related to the request? What kind of obscure business are you involved in? Why did a guest with no account know me? Why didn't he create an account?
Gbasilva, were you recently in a freak accident involving your computer?
That stray process? Forgot to run as administrator. C:\GBAS\system32>Taskkill /F /IM 6374 SUCCESS: The process "hate.exe" with PID 6374 has been terminated.
Oh, lostfox has joined. I guess I will have to forcibly terminate my hate processes (for group purposes). C:\GBAS\system32>Taskkill /F /IM hate.exe SUCCESS: The process "hate.exe" with PID 8492 has been terminated. SUCCESS: The process "hate.exe" with PID 175 has been terminated. ERROR: The process "hate.exe" with PID 6374 could not be terminated. Reason: Access is denied.
Can someone who knows how to use piston help me with this? ID:1909385 Turn off the decorations to see the machine.
Daeox, I'm a huge fan of your saves! I have already submitted an application and sent you a PM containing my application. May I Join?
today i found out i still get art requests. this one might be hard...maybe easy