25 / 6
20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
deacans group joinnow daeacan


  • fatboy2
    28th Dec 2015
    I'm going to publish this tutorial soon. ID:1912524 tell me what you think.
  • Daeox
    28th Dec 2015
    Note to Damian97 i will add you to this save soon I am just very busy right now.
  • Korteweg
    27th Dec 2015
    Whoah, just noticed that this year is almost over.
  • Bristrees
    27th Dec 2015
    id:1912267 sorry
  • Bristrees
    27th Dec 2015
    just released my last save for 2015 id:1912258
  • Korteweg
    25th Dec 2015
    Hoover dam it, the double comment bug comes back from the dead to haunt me. Nah, It's just a clientside problem. The serverside was fixed, but that can't stop me from accidentally doubleclicking the post comment button (I am using the website).
  • Korteweg
    25th Dec 2015
    Oh, there's that. Meh, didn't notice it was Christmas until a few hours ago. I don't care, it is an arbitrary date. Anyways, merry Christmas, who am I to spoil the season?
  • Korteweg
    25th Dec 2015
    Oh, there's that. Meh, didn't notice it was Christmas until a few hours ago. I don't care, it is an arbitrary date. Anyways, merry Christmas, who am I to spoil the season?
  • fatboy2
    25th Dec 2015
    Moon Colony A36 now published!
  • Maxsta
    25th Dec 2015
    Merry Christmas, hope you all got nice gifts.