25 / 6
20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
deacans group joinnow daeacan


  • Daeox
    19th Jan 2016
    I will fully investigate this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
  • Windspren
    19th Jan 2016
    This was the old save ID, as you can see it on one of the signs in the Gas bot in action save. ID:1911905. It doesn't lead to anything now, as it has been deleted.
  • Windspren
    19th Jan 2016
    Daeox, I think that ABRAKADAVER stole a save from someone. I know this because about a month ago on the SPFI save, one of us posted a save that has now been deleted. Now, that same save is on FP under ABRAKADAVER's name. I just thought that you might want to know.
  • Windspren
    18th Jan 2016
  • Daeox
    18th Jan 2016
    I might make icons for being active/inactive.
  • Daeox
    18th Jan 2016
    ID? .
  • Windspren
    18th Jan 2016
    I don't really know how to be active in a group like this, but I have been working on a genome for SEPI bots. It's done BTW.
  • Korteweg
    18th Jan 2016
    Man, I don't know what happened. He's already in the group. I need some sleep. Perhaps it was due to him not using the logo, not commenting on this save and not accessing the group page. As an officer, he should be active, so we must warn him. I know it may be hard to embrace, but the Coalition is a lifestyle.
  • Korteweg
    18th Jan 2016
    Acknowledged and understood. We have some users who are not very active in the group. RiftandRend is busy outside of TPT, but there are other users who seem to have simply forgotten about the Coalition. I will probably make another release in some days, I have it done but I am delaying the posting. Also, while reading the older comments and scrolling to page 5, I've noticed that RCAProduction said he would apply, but you missed his comment. He is an extremely important asset, so PM him.
  • Daeox
    17th Jan 2016
    By the way everyone I'm very very busy right now so if I do not comment on your saves, answer applications right away, or quickly reply on the forums, it is not because I am being lazy. School is taking up most of my free time, if any.