20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
It also looks like you made your own Daecan symbols (very cool)
daeox if you do consider me here is something i will show to you to audition id:1913116
I'm working on a disaster beach. You can help me with it if you want.
I am currently inactive, waiting for a project, idea or someone to help. These are my last days to do something. I am only browsing and leaving MP open, but not building anything. Any cooperation needed?
id:1927092 uploaded another WWLD thing I had.
Will someone who has jacob1's mod look at this and tell me whether the mod detector is working? ID:1927332
well hope you add me in m8
I actually might be closing down admissions or handing them to an officer soon. I just can't keep up with this, with school taking most of my time.
I will be offline for a while.
Fixed ID:1925961