20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
check out my printer on the fp! tell me what you think...
cool save
new save id:1954404
@RiftandRend, I am glad that you got it fixed! XD
@Weretyu777 I am Death's alter ego.
Not sure if I was missed, but I was gone for the past week or so. My computer had a critical fault and was out of commision. Only just got it fixed.
See FP
Anyone notice what the update added?
@Daeox, oh, thanks) I wasn't noticed your comments before)
And I am having lots of trouble to check Powder... Anything new? Projects, stuff?