20th Nov 2015
30th May 2016
This is a coalition of the most creative and innovative players on TPT, with limited membership based on the quality and the effort put into your saves. Apply in comments or PM. [] Group Page: http://bit.ly/1NTPPab [] Member survey: http://bit.ly/1O8Tz9H
(-_-) *comment to short*
the coalation is just about dead (v_v)
ID:1965574 is the start of the city if you'd like to take a peek at what I got so far
Well, I finally finished my on one and only city save :(. I really did like making that save, I guess it's time to move on to a new save, anyone got good ideas for a new city save that's kinda like the one i have but an improvement and different?
Where? I want to eat that potato
1961421 Is something I was playing around with using the looping border and gravity.
Just a little shelter from me:1957426
Random thing I did while I was bored ID:1950073