80 / 13
13th Nov 2015
1st Jan 2016
In a time where all water has been evaporated, fusion from radioactive isotopes is the only solution to obtain water. *DRINK AT YOUR OWN RISK!* After hours of working on this during working hours it is finally finished! I'd happily answer questions/tips!
pleasewait automated water reactor radioactive inefficient patience


  • Scarking
    20th Nov 2015
    @PortalPlayer it does for me, dafuq did you do to your game that it doesn't work? :P be sure to enable H2O fusion as well otherwise the hydrogen will just accumulate in the fusion chamber.
  • Scarking
    20th Nov 2015
    @atomic no it shouldn't. The H2 fusion happens before that when the ELEC and NEUT combine. The H2O fusion button opens the PPIP so the H2 can first get cooled, then splitted into the oxidizer and combustionchamber, before making H2O from it. I guess fusion wasn't the right word but neither is oxidizing :P didn't want to get too formal
  • atomic2385
    19th Nov 2015
    the sign next to the button to start fusion should say H2 not H2O fusion
  • PortalPlayer
    19th Nov 2015
    Wait, does it ever get around to combusting the hydrogen? I've been waiting for almost 20 minutes and nothing's happening so far...
  • PortalPlayer
    19th Nov 2015
    Scarking: well, it doesn't seem to break anymore. I don't know if you changed it, but it seems fine now.
  • LaylaSaturn
    15th Nov 2015
    "After hours of working on this durin working hours" XD +1
  • Senvr
    14th Nov 2015
    +1 sweet
  • Scarking
    14th Nov 2015
    the oxidizer gives an error when the chamber is full of HYDG and can't get room to create a spark, turning PVOD on to remove some of the HYDG. It often gives falls alarms though. The other error goes one when e.g. incomplete combustion happens. It will then enable PVOD to empty the chamber and start over without contamination.
  • crazysquid32
    14th Nov 2015
    What do the error lights do?
  • Peteorama
    14th Nov 2015
    Very nice! +1 But be sure to turn this on well in advance of when you want to shower, or you are going to be late...