58 / 22
27th Sep 2015
29th Sep 2015
Also known as a "Tesseract".
cubes 4dim tesseract teseract dimensions dimension


  • Krolcwan
    30th Sep 2015
    You too watch "Cube 2"? :D 1+ for do
  • JusticeFighter
    30th Sep 2015
    Sorry for your recent incident, mate... U want some tea?
  • Dreambish
    30th Sep 2015
    jolly good show old chap what a fine gentlemen you are indeed
  • Dreambish
    30th Sep 2015
  • Dreambish
    30th Sep 2015
    ... JusticeFighter i have to take my brain out now :[
  • JusticeFighter
    30th Sep 2015
    Adele-kind-of-deep Question: Would 6-D conscious beings with 6-D eyes moving one-directional in the 7-th watch movies displayed on a 4-D screen? Would they see our movies like we see a point? How would they perceive a one-dimensional object? Are the 7 missing dimensions from the string theory like -1st to -7th Dimension to us? And yes, movies are 3-D, that was just an example.
  • ifestos
    30th Sep 2015
    if youhad 4D eyes you would be able see everything inside and out of a 3D object
  • Jonsku99
    30th Sep 2015
    The 4th dimension can not be represented well in 3 dimensions. Compare it to drawing a picture of a cube on a piece of paper. If you have never seen a cube, it is hard to understand what is going on. Same with 4 dimensions. If you have never seen a 4 dimensional object, it is hard to represent it in 3 dimensions.
  • jasiu2002
    30th Sep 2015
    This simply looks like a cube in a cube. The 4th dimension looks best when moving (search wikipedia). It looks like the small cube becoming the front of the big cube while the back of the big cube becomes the back of the small cube... sort of.
  • Voyager15
    30th Sep 2015
    X, Y, Z, and the "4th" dimension I shall name is: 1! You get it? On some font thingies it goes " W X Y Z 1 2 3 4"