41 / 16
21st Sep 2015
21st Sep 2015
Change the temperature of the dlay! The only cool looking one I have found is at 12.0C but I'm sure you can find more if you try!
occiloscope electriceelbacon electricbacon baconpower lookslikebacon bacon sinewave rollercoaster trianglewave toasterbacon


  • sentinal-5
    26th Sep 2015
    oh the top being flattened is just because of the thickness of the line being used to display the wave. follow the centre of the spark area and you'll get an infinitely thin, perfect sawtooth wave.
  • zaccybot2
    26th Sep 2015
    also why is this still on fp guys, it's a zig zag piece of metal with some delay at the start of it
  • zaccybot2
    26th Sep 2015
    yes the metal forms a square wave, but is it not actually a triangle wave with the top lopped off it you look at the sparks?
  • sentinal-5
    25th Sep 2015
    oops, typo *pace
  • sentinal-5
    25th Sep 2015
    technically the spark forms a square wave (instantly on/off with no graduation), but the shape of the wire makes it look like a sawtooth wave (upon reaching full negative, constantly increasing to full positive, then decreasing at a constant pase to full negative)
  • zaccybot2
    25th Sep 2015
    Believe me, this is not a sine wave, and of course you can use this, even if I wanted to, there'd be now way for me to say you copied something this boring and generic, so go ahead.
  • LaylaSaturn
    25th Sep 2015
    18 is cool. Groups of three go wavey!
  • oldmud0
    24th Sep 2015
    It's called a sine wave..
  • Masterchef365
    24th Sep 2015
    Try 17c
  • lechkingofdead29
    24th Sep 2015
    read it i derya