That's cool! The Novus Legion has: NovaeNinja:7 Predator Class Cruisers, 1 Super-Predator(Carne), 80 billion Type 1 MBT's, 25 billion Type 1 Bombers, and 100trillion Ice Cream cones(Well share with you if you want) CNOfusioncycle: 2x Aircraft carrier, 10x Submarine A, 12x Submarine B, 5billion Carna Fighters, 12 Billion Photon Interceptors, 15 Billion Photon Bombers, and around 6 billion specially made Kamikazes. CNo is also the "Bombmaker" for us.
i havent made the battleship public also the mattionian empire has 100 billion tanks and 5 trillion troops and my nukes are very advanced eg.standard issue shells for use in space are nuclear we also have around 10 billion nuclear weapons total (hand grenades, shells, suitcases, ICBMs etc)
@HMSHood Ok. But you dont have any battleships, and none of your tanks are capable of delivering, and don't even begin to talk about survivng, any of your nukes. ???
if you use a nuclear shell from one of my battleships with the simulated speed (negative gravity allowed me to simulate the 10 km per second) it will destroy the entire front and badly damage the back
Now, rebuilt with materials from CNO taken after his surrender, the Carne's engine has been replaced with a more reliable and less prone to explosions Electric Battery Powerhouse from CNO, and her lower hull armor has been drastically increased with the addition of CNO's trademark Honeycomb Armor. She has more, bigger guns, and the hanger is now in the center.
CNO sent me a recording of how he blew it up. We had a TPT war, and I sent the Carne and the Maw with Type 1 Bombers and Type 1 MBT. It's kind of like Risk, just instead of dice, TPT decides who wins. His final move was probably his best, he pinned down the Maw on one side of his planet with the last of his ICBM's, while launching every last plane he had to attack the Carne from his carrier.