27th Aug 2015
29th Aug 2015
I am not responsible for melting CPU's, your computer becoming a pool of lava and setting your house on fire or anything. Thanks to the_new_powder99999 for the EMP idea. (You have to remove the walls to see it lag...)
I got <1 fps...
CTRL + S -> multiplayer -> l -> SPRK...
LOL 23 fps minimum
delete all walls and then do both BOOOM
Deleted all walls, got 6fps. Loosers!
Delete all walls. Your TPT gonna die.
wow, I used this to test my CPU's, I tested this on my AMD FX 6300, and I got 20 something fps, not I get 55 stable on my Ryzen 5 2600. this is kind of good to test CPUs with lol
it crashed my TPT
Started Lagger, got to 31 FPS and didn't go any lower.
If I remove the walls and just have the lagger it goes to 6 fps - using i-5 6300HQ