43 / 5
30th May 2015
8th Mar 2021
ISIS is coming! destroy them before they kill any civillians! oh, and credits to destroyer555 for the tanks.
micro reallistic tank missile bomb fire explosion terrorist realistic


  • boomtish214
    3rd Jun 2015
    and i sholud have made them wear black hijabs. lol
  • boomtish214
    3rd Jun 2015
    but they stole tanks from abbandoned iraqi military compounds...
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    2nd Jun 2015
    @sentinal-5 Mind = Blown
  • sentinal-5
    1st Jun 2015
    which ones are the terrorists? none of them seem particularly terrifying. they are far too well equipped to be a group such as isis. they steal what little they have. it's quite tricky to steal a tank. let alone lots of them. not to mention that these guys aren't going anywhere! they look almost catatonic. i think they're civilians who have been captured and planted by a group of hostiles. this is a trap. killing these terrified civillians makes you just as bad as the people who put them there.
  • gatpotzi
    31st May 2015
    ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!!!!!!!!! +1 the homie for letting me destroy isis xD