Build a machine to steal gold from the vault without triggering the alarm. Person who steals the most gold wins :) More advanced vaults will be made in future competitions. NO VIRUS!
Nice :) Share the save id if you want to enter the competition.
i used a BTRY piston arm to hack the alarm and then used another piston to grab ALL THE GOLD (+1 pixel from outside the box :P)
Use common sense then. Guys seriously finding loopholes makes it no fun for anybody.
You didn't say anything about BOMB or DEST >:3
Yeah, I didn't see that you said "no virus" when I made it. Oh well, this isn't going to waste.
SOMETIMES the alarm sets off, so here you go. Yes virus. id:1785163
The reward is that you win xD
i aint doing this until i find out the reward...
Good thing! I'll try it =)
Will complete later -- Busy today