7 / 1
31st Mar 2015
9th May 2015
The Eclipse II, the predecessor of the Eclipse I from Star Wars. Built my KBY, this masterpiece is just amazing. The requests are just flowing in guys :)
eclipse engine starship imperial giant space dreadnought destroyer star battleship


  • the-gaming-rice
    10th Apr 2015
    don'tworry :) you'll learn but not quickly though! i've been tptin' for what? 2 1/2 years? it seems part of my life!
  • Destroyer127
    8th Apr 2015
    I understand nothing about electronics/ and or anything that has to do with making complex systems on TPT, but what i do know however, is to figure out a way to draw a picture using very little deco and not using CGI to do it. Hand drawn (Or Mouse) i know how to do.