no sing,dest,bomb,large amounts of warp,amtr,dray,cray.MUST BE A BOMB and no console please:UPDATE:reduced size and some credit goes to SopaXorzTaker for the dest resistant armor:UPDATE:added new solid tron technology credit goes to RULERULTAMISjr
you could make this layered
i destroyed it with a 5-pixel bomb izi
thanks for 200 views
thomasxin your going to have to redo getting through the wall i made it a tiny bit thicker sorry
thomasxin thanks for telling me to ban cray
thanks thomasxin but i dont need it anymore it was terrible compared to this one
ID:1796199 beat it after a while without SING, VIRS, DEST, BOMB, WARP, AMTR, DRAY. BTW you should really ban CRAY because someone could easily delete your entire wall with a single row of CRAY and PSCN.
@bboh8891 You do realise that you can access the history of the saves by copying the ID and then pasting into the search bar history:[ID HERE].
cool +1 (btw i did the same mistake with one of my saves to xD)
thx for 100 views