Thanks to all the awesome people of TPT. My gates are FREE TO COPY. Enjoy.
Thanks. This looks promising (Then again, it WAS you who made it)
And you can combine the 2 middle columns into 1, because they are always the same
You are forgetting 2 more gates: one that is always on, and one that is always off. Also you should put them in order.
NOR is the same as NOT, just with the input split, XNOR is like NOR, but it also outputs if both inputs are on.
whats the difference between nor and xnor, they litterly output the same way
Electronics in TPT is already confusing. How do you come up with this? +1 cus it has something to do with electronics and electronics always deserves +1
yeh i dont understand any of this but anyway +1
I have a not gate, but could you give me some feedback on it please. ID:1728576
awww id:1 will be so happy XD
dem not gates are huge lol nice and fast tho :P