59 / 1
8th Jan 2015
8th Jan 2015
Introducing the instant incrementer. This FILT-powered device takes a FILT line and increments the wavelength stored there by 1, and outputs it on another FILT line exactly 1 frame later!
techstuff tech nology bionic 60hz nowmorecompact subframe electronics filt


  • Schmolendevice
    9th Jan 2015
    Well, this surely gives me the sense of how fast a 30 Hz computer would look when running. Solid spark and sub frame timing will push TPT computing to new levels. One note is that personally in compact processor designs I'd like to keep to 16 bit or 32 bit architectures and making memory locations represent 3 individual bytes instead of 29 bits, plus integer size decreases instructon length somewhat..
  • Plopdpuss
    9th Jan 2015
    I've seen Darkn1883r's 30-bit/pixel FILT Ram, but this takes thatto a new extreme. As in multiplying it 559 thousand times (assuming I did the math right). Kudos to you, Mniip.
  • FuriousWeasel
    8th Jan 2015
    Good job! *applause* I'll be waiting to see some spiffy new FILT calculators/computers in the future.
  • G-LinuxorU
    8th Jan 2015
    Bravo, that's pretty revolutionary. Would you mind taking a second to explain how it works?